E-Mobility Plugfest: SMA Energy Management on the Internet of Things

EEBUS-Standard für E-Mobilität: Erfolgreiches Plugfest

In June, representatives of the EEBUS initiative met in Cologne for the first e-mobility Plugfest to test the state of development of their respective devices live. A Plugfest is a bit like a LAN party for developers. In Cologne, the specific focus was on interactions between the charging station, electric vehicle and energy management system.




EEBUS driving forward intelligent energy management

Can energy managers manage data while also optimizing the use of self-generated solar power? SMA contributed the new energy management platform, ennexOS, which was first unveiled at Intersolar Europe 2017. Using the EEBUS standard, the platform will combine all of a system’s energy generators, consumers and storage systems, and allow them to be controlled optimally. At the Plugfest, ennexOS successfully overcame the first steps for use with charging stations and electric vehicles. Before the next Plugfest, the emphasis will now be on resolving any weak points identified and processing work orders to ensure that the second Plugfest is every bit as successful as the first.


What is the actual purpose of EEBUS?

In the international EEBUS initiative, reputable manufacturers of electrical devices have joined forces to develop a common communication standard for all household electrical devices.

Folke Mitzlaff, product manager for energy solutions at SMA, explains the background and objectives of the EEBUS initiative in this video.

Sprache für Energie: Die EEBUS-Initiative

You can find out more about the EEBUS initiative on the association’s website.

  1. Beacher
    Beacher says:

    Hi ,
    query. My SunnyBeam remote display has suddenly stopped working. (type BEAM-BT-11)
    Could you please advise. The display is visible but not giving a reading.

    • Jennifer Rößler
      Jennifer Rößler says:

      Hello Beacher,
      please contact the Service Line in charge for you by selecting your country here. Our colleagues will assist you in a personal dialog.
      Kind regards, Jennifer

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